Our Impact

Making a Difference: Metrics that Matter

: Leading the Way in Safety and Service

The OSFM is more than just an organization; we are your partners in safeguarding lives, properties, and the environment. Through our comprehensive programs, we foster effective communication, meticulous inspection, rigorous certification, and accountable licensing.

Fire Prevention & Building Safety

We set the gold standard for fire prevention and building safety, collaborating with local communities to create more resilient, safer environments.

Arson Investigations

Our top-notch investigative team is relentless in its pursuit of justice. We actively collaborate with local and federal agencies to solve arson cases, protecting our communities from future incidents.

Certification and Licensing

We set the bar high with our certification and licensing programs, ensuring that fire safety professionals meet the most rigorous standards.

Preventing Fires & Injuries Seized Fireworks Disposal Data

Fireworks are not just a matter of fun and games. They are illegal in certain zones for a reason: annually, they cause grievous injuries and result in millions in property damage.
  • 288,428
    Fireworks Seized in 2023-2024
  • 260,000
    Fireworks seized in 2022-2023

PIPELINE SAFETY Inspection Excellence for Safer Communities

With a robust framework for inspection and enforcement, OSFM conducts a variety of inspections to ensure pipeline systems meet safety regulations.
  • 1,875
    Pipeline Field Inspection Days (2024)
  • 4
    Significant Pipeline Accidents (2024)

Training and Education Empowering the Next Generation of Firefighters

Our commitment to education doesn't stop at the classroom. OSFM is dedicated to partnering with local governments to set high standards for firefighter training and education.
  • 3,432

    Courses Held
    FY 2023

  • 17,001

    Certifications Issued
    FY 2023

Burn Permits Less Fuel Leads to Less Fires

Residential debris burning and larger controlled burns are important strategies for minimizing the size and severity of wildfires in our communities. These proactive measures not only reduce fire risks but also contribute to the preservation of our natural landscapes, wildlife habitats, and clean air quality.
  • 76,719
    Residential Burn Permits Issued in 2024
  • 2,064
    Cultural Burning Permits issued in 2024