The primary purpose and overarching goal of the California State Fire Training (SFT) certification program are to set minimum performance standards, systematically identify the tasks required to attain certification, establish a robust system for maintaining comprehensive records of training achievements, and strategically align OSFM certification standards with both state and national certification program standards, thereby ensuring the highest levels of competence and proficiency among firefighting professionals.

Professional Certification Tracks

Below is a list of current SFT Certifications:

Fire Chief Certification

The Chief Fire Officer Certification Program sits as a capstone for the certification and qualification system. It should be considered as a goal for upward mobility in the fire service. Its achievement by an individual is a highly desired qualification. The OSFM would like to recognize those fire service professionals who have achieved Fire Chief Certification.


Gold Cup 2

Open Certification Task Books

Prior to January 1, 2020, SFT issued Certification Task Books for most CFSTES tracks, except Fire Fighter 1 and Fire Fighter 2. Now, agencies can initiate Certification Task Books, aligning SFT with CICCS and NWCG practices. Certification Task Books are valid for five (5) years, periodically updated based on NFPA Standards changes. Candidates and Fire Chiefs (or Authorized Designees) must confirm updates before submission. Expired Task Books (>5 years) require re-initiation. Refer to the Open Certification Task Book Informational Bulletin (PDF) and the Interim Procedures (PDF) for details.

Update the Authorized Fire Chief Database

To successfully receive a California OSFM certification, or to register as an Instructor or lead/skills evaluator position, the Fire Chief or authorized signatory signing the certification task book or experience letter must be listed in the SFT Authorized Chief database before the certification task book or experience letter can be submitted. To update your Chief or to add an authorized signatory, please review the SFT Procedures Manual, Section 4.2: Updating an Authorized Signatory, or use this Fire Chief/Authorized Signatory Sample Letter (Docx).

Locking longer exists

It is not an option to “lock-in” at the current certification standards and fee rate prior to submitting your complete certification application. Therefore, if you do not complete the course work or achieve the required experience prior to changes in the Certification Training Standard (CTS) you may be required to complete additional training.

Application Process

***Do not apply for any certification before you have met all requirements***

How to Apply:

Verify that you have met the requirements listed on the application form or in the SFT Procedures Manual.

  1. Download, print, and complete:
    1. Certification Application for the job function certification being pursued
    2. Certification Task Book (if applicable)
  2. Complete. A complete application package includes:
    1. Completed Certification Application form
    2. All supporting and verification documentation
    3. Nonrefundable payment by check or money order (payable to CAL FIRE - State Fire Training)
    4. Completed Certification Task Book (if applicable)
  3. Submit.

    By Mail:
    State Fire Training
    Attn:enter the name of the certification
    PO Box 944246
    Sacramento, CA 94244-2460