The Fire and Life Safety Division is the main entity within the OSFM responsible for the application of laws and regulations related to fire and panic safety. The OSFM has jurisdictional authority for enforcement of these laws and regulations in State-Owned buildings, Specified State-Occupied buildings, and State Institutions. This is achieved through plan review and fire and life safety inspections for new construction, existing buildings, fire protection systems, special events, pyrotechnics, and special hazards. The Fire and Life Safety Division maintains relationships with the California Fire Service through partnering in various code related issues within their jurisdictions.

The State Fire Marshal's Plan Review Section is responsible for the review of construction plans submitted for all state occupied building projects. Plans are reviewed for compliance with the adopted State of California Building and Fire Codes, California Code of Regulation, Title 19, Title 24 and applicable nationally recognized standards.

OSFM Fire and Life Safety has begun the electronic plan review program as of March 2020. Please see the Plan Review Submittal Requirements Information link below for REQUIRED changes to the submittal drawings and process. All paper plans must still be mailed to 2251 Harvard Street Suite 130 Sacramento, CA 95815.

The OSFM FLS Division is responsible for fire and life safety inspection on existing State Owned and Specified State-Occupied buildings.

When are Inspections Performed?

Buildings are inspected on an Annual, Biennial, or Triennial basis based on the requirements of the law and/or OSFM determination. Field Deputies will coordinate inspections with building representatives based on the frequency of inspection on file with the OSFM.

Signing Reports

When the OSFM is inspecting a building for fire and life safety compliance, they will ask for a representative of the building owner or management who will review and sign the inspection report. Any person signing will need to have a GOVmotus account to receive the signature request and provide a signature.

To sign a report, log into the GOVmotus account that will be used for signing a report. Review the information shown under the Signatures Required section of the GOVmotus dashboard. Review and sign any reports identified as needing a signature. Field Deputies will be able to assist in the process of creating an account and signing reports.

Fire and life safety requirements shall be applicable to any exhibit space, booth, trailer or tent as part of a special event. Special event applications and associated documents shall be submitted to the OSFM FLS no later than 10 business days before the opening of the event.