The California Incident Data and Statistics (CalStats) Program is a statewide emergency incident data collection program that analyzes and distributes statistical information reported by fire departments throughout the state. This includes collecting National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) data from each fire department in California on behalf of the United States Fire Administration (USFA-FEMA). CalStats also manages CALFIRS. This system captures emergency incidents for CAL FIRE’s 808 fire stations statewide. These stations report about 15,000 fire emergencies but respond to approximately 300,000 total emergencies each year. These other emergencies include medical incidents, rescues, floods, hazardous material release, earthquakes, and other disasters. With the CALFIRS system, CAL FIRE can track all incidents they respond to.
Stay updated on California NFIRS news from the Office of the State Fire Marshal. 

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NFIRS - After Action Incident Reporting

Health and Safety Code (HSC) 13110.5 Requirements

The State Fire Department must:

  • Document and report all incidents according to regulations and standards set forth by the State Fire Marshal.

All other Fire Departments must:

  • Report all Fire incidents according to regulations and standards set forth by the State Fire Marshal.

The State Fire Marshal must:

  • Gather information on all incidents occurring within California.
  • Adopt regulations prescribing the scope of the information, the manner of reporting, the forms to be used, the time the information shall be reported, and all other requirements determined necessary. 
  • Collect and analyze the information and data reported by all fire departments.
  • Compile an annual report and make their analysis available to all fire officials and the State EMSA.

HSC 13110.5 Details

Step 1 - Contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) to request a Fire Department Identification Number (FDID)

Step 2 - Choose your NFIRS reporting software (eNFIRS free web-based system or third-party vendor software)

Step 3 - Request an eNFIRS account - eNIFRS Free Software Users OR Vendor Software Users

Step 4 - (NFIRS-compliant vendor software users ONLY) - Import files into eNFIRS (Monthly)

NFIRS 5.0 Online Self-Study CourseExternal Link

If your fire department is interested in hosting an Introduction to NFIRS 5.0 class, please contact the CalStats Program at:

Instructions: Comparing the Monthly Incident Counts

OSFM Monthly Incident Count

eNFIRS Monthly Incident Count

To request NFIRS reporting verification for grants or other funding purposes, email:

Please include your FDID, the time frame you are requesting, and any further details. Be sure to include "NFIRS Reporting Verification" in the subject line.

All Reported Incidents

Structure Fires by Property Use