Battery Energy Storage Systems
Powering the Future: Safeguarding Today with Energy Storage Systems
Energy Storage Systems Webinar

Navigating Fire Safety in a Battery-Powered World
Organization | Resource | Date Shared |
California Energy Commission | California Energy Commission Website | 2/7/2025 |
California Environmental Protection Agency | Battery Reporting Guidance for Unified Program Agencies | 2/7/2025 |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | Consumer Product Safety Commission Website | 2/7/2025 |
Electrical Safety Foundation | Electrical Safety Foundation Website | 2/7/2025 |
Electrical Safety Foundation | How to Spot Battery Problems: Lithium-Ion Battery Safety | 2/7/2025 |
Electrical Safety Foundation | How to Recycle Batteries: Lithium-Ion Battery Safety | 2/7/2025 |
Fire Safety Research Institute | Take C.H.A.R.G.E. of Battery Safety | 2/7/2025 |
Fire Safety Research Institute | The Impact of Batteries on Fire Dynamics | 2/7/2025 |
International Code Council | Batteries and Energy Storage Ad Hoc Committee (AH-BES) |
2/7/2025 |
Interstate Renewable Energy Council | Charging Smart | 2/7/2025 |
National Fire Protection Association | National Fire Protection Association Webinars | 2/7/2025 |
National Fire Protection Association | Lithium-Ion Battery Safety | 2/7/2025 |
Sustainable Energy Action Committee | Informational Bulletin on the UL 9540 Safety Standard and the UL 9540A Test Method | 2/7/2025 |
US Fire Administration | Battery Fire Safety | 2/7/2025 |
Organization | Resource | Date Shared |
Fire Safety Research Institute | Online Training Available: The Science of Fire and Explosion Hazards from Lithium-Ion Batteries | 2/7/2025 |
Fire Safety Research Institute | New online training - Fire Service Considerations with Lithium-Ion Battery ESS | 2/7/2025 |
Fire Safety Research Institute | Firefighter Safety and Photovoltaic Systems | 2/7/2025 |
Texas A&M Engineering | TEEX Launches Resources and Training for First Responders on Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage System Emergencies | 2/10/2025 |
- Limited to ≤ 20kWh unit size.
- Specific code language for detached one- and two-family dwellings.
- Retail and manufacturing facilities, etc.
- Limited to 600 kWh unit size.
- Front-of-meter installations under exclusive control of the operating utility.
- Be familiar with potential hazards relevant to the type of energy storage systems being inspected.
- Procure and be prepared to use the appropriate personal protection equipment.
- Review and print out/download relevant technical documents.
- Understand what aspects of the energy storage systems need to be reviewed.
- Have a Safety meeting prior to entering the site.
- General inspection of the overall site.
- Inspection of the energy storage systems equipment (Exterior and Interior).
- Commission plan.
- Emergency operation plan.
- Fire and explosion control summary.
- Signage.
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