Prevention Field Guides
Wildfire Risk Reduction takes into account the best design, construction, and engineering practices for preparing wildfire safe homes and communities. These principles also apply in the safe use of industrial and recreational equipment. The wildfire Risk Reduction staff recommend and interpret laws and regulations covering wildland fire safety and assist homeowners, landowners, decision-makers, and local government planners in building and rebuilding fire safety into California communities.
All of the Prevention Field Guides listed below are currently Undergoing Revisions
The objective of publishing and distributing this Guide is to help reduce and prevent losses of life, property and natural resources from wildfire in the Urban-Wildland Interface. Loss reduction can be achieved partly through proper implementation and enforcement of fire hazard zoning and mitigation laws. This document discusses those types of laws that are state mandated.
The Fire Hazard Zoning Guide is being updated and will be available soon.
This Guide contains standards and practices which have been found effective in preventing forest fires caused by various types of industrial operations when conducted on forest, grass or watershed lands. These standards and practices are based upon studies and the experience of fire agency and operating company personnel. The standards are to be considered as minimums and the various practices are offered as suggestions and examples of what has been tried and found successful in various situations. As industrial equipment and techniques change, the standards may need to change too. On-the-ground conditions may indicate the need for practices beyond the minimum legal requirements and will indicate which practices are most applicable in a given situation.