Subdivision Review Program
California Public Resources Code (PRC) 4290.5 requires the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (the Board), in consultation with the State Fire Marshal, to identify existing subdivisions with more than 30 dwelling units located in the State Responsibility Area (SRA) or a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, identified pursuant to Section 51178 of the Government Code, without a secondary means of egress route that are at significant fire risk. Additionally, the Board in consultation with the State Fire Marshal, and the local government that identified the subdivisions shall develop recommendations to improve the subdivision’s fire safety.
Program Goals
The Subdivision Review Program aids CAL FIRE Units and local jurisdictions in fire hazard planning, offering:
- Collaborative technical assistance for fire hazard planning within General Plan Safety Elements.
- Guidance on the Subdivision Map Act concerning Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ's).
- Support for Firewise USA community applications.
- Assistance for CAL FIRE Units in building fire-resilient communities with local governments and stakeholders.

State Program Administrator
- Shane Vargas
Deputy Chief
Program Staff
- Jeff Hakala
Assistant Chief
- Kristine Schaefer
Battalion Chief
- Jenna Marcelo
Battalion Chief
- Vacant
Battalion Chief
- Kevin Merkh
Battalion Chief
- Heather Witzens
Research Data Analyst II - GIS
- Melinda Pritchard
Associate Governmental Program Analyst