CAL FIRE-Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the California Fire Code Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement of the Unified Program. The HMMP/HMIS requirements were developed during the 1980s around the same time as the Hazardous Materials Release Response Plan and Inventory (HMRRP) or Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP) requirements. The HMMP/HMIS requirements have been incorporated by adoption into the California Fire Code, as Part 9 of Title 24 in the California Code of Regulations.

Because the requirements of the HMMP/HMIS and the HMBP are similar, the two Unified Program elements have been merged, to the extent possible, to meet the intent of coordinating, consolidating, and making the programs consistent, while reducing regulatory burden on businesses and duplication of effort by regulatory agencies. The purpose of the fire code HMMP/HMIS element is to enhance coordination and communication among the Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPA), participating agencies (PA), fire agencies, and business stakeholders. To accomplish this, the statutes and regulations provide for:

  • Communication - among the CUPA, PA, regulated facilities/businesses, and fire agencies for sharing hazardous materials information;
  • Coordination - of activities, such as inspection, enforcement, and emergency response to avoid overlap and duplication of effort, and;
  • Consistency and Consolidation - of laws, regulations, ordinances, policies, and procedures to prevent unnecessary burden on regulated facilities/businesses.

The HMMP/HMIS and the HMBP provide vital facility chemical and emergency response information to regulators, first responders, and the public with respect to community-right-to-know laws and emergency response preparedness. In contrast to the HMBP requirements, the following additional items are pertinent to HMMP/HMIS:

  • fire chief may require additional information to the HMBP to meet the California Fire Code HMMP/HMIS requirements. Contact the Unified Program Agency for additional required information.
  • fire chief may also require submission of the HMMP/HMIS below the state HMBP reporting threshold quantity amounts for building occupancy type and fire code permits.

Pursuant to AB 2286 (Feuer, Statutes of 2008), all Unified Program electronic reporting must be done using CERS, the California Environmental Reporting System. Information to assist businesses meet the electronic reporting requirements may be found on the CERS website.

OSFM 'CUPA' Program