Fire Chief
A Fire Chief performs a variety of technical, administrative, and supervisory work in planning, organizing, directing, and implementing fire prevention, suppression, and emergency medical services to prevent or minimize the loss of life and property by fire and emergency medical conditions. Fire Chief is the only certification in the California Fire Chief professional certification series. The requirements for this certification can be found in the SFT Procedures Manual. To apply for this certification, please review and complete the documentation below.
The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) and the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) both administer professional recognition for Fire Chiefs. OSFM confers Fire Chief Certification and CPSE confers Chief Fire Officer Designation. Both agencies use very similar processes to evaluate and confer recognition. In 2011 both agencies agreed to enter into a memorandum of understanding to initiate reciprocity between the two programs. Listed below are the requirements and application information to apply for reciprocity.
Certified Fire Chief
The Chief Fire Officer Certification Program sits as a capstone for the certification and qualification system. It should be considered as a goal for upward mobility in the fire service. Its achievement by an individual is a highly desired qualification. The OSFM would like to recognize those fire service professionals who have achieved Fire Chief Certification.