Title 24 Development
The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is responsible for promulgating regulations that promote fire and life safety for inclusion into the State Building Codes including the California Building Code, California Fire Code, California Electrical Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code and California Historical Building Code. These documents are also referred to as California Code of Regulations, Title 24. The process incorporates a great deal of public participation and is guided by the State Building Standards Law.
Throughout the years, the State Fire Marshal has been given the responsibility of developing building standards affecting several industries. Because of the multi-faceted nature of fire protection, OSFM has worked with and local government, fire officials, building officials and the private sector to develop fire and life safety building standards addressing: roof coverings, fire alarm systems, motion picture production facilities, hazardous materials, and organized camps. OSFM also regulates the adoption of building standards in assembly, institutional, educational, and residential buildings as well as high-rises and any building containing State employees.
Code Development and Analysis currently only publishes Title 24 - Prior Rulemaking Activities through 2016. Prior years can be made available upon request.
Title 24 - Current Rulemaking Activities
Title 24 - Prior Rulemaking Activities
- See the California Buildings Standards Commission's website for information and official documents.
- Active Workgroups
- Part 7 - Documents
California Building Standards Commission Webpage
This link contains the hearing notices, timeline and proposed changes.
See the California Buildings Standards Commission's website for information and official documents.