The Office of the State Fire Marshal's Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation Division collaborates with federal, state, and local agencies, tribes, non-profit entities, and stakeholders to prepare California communities against wildfires. CAL FIRE develops strategies, conducts hazard inspections, and provides education and grants for wildfire prevention efforts, fostering prepared and resilient communities.

Community Wildfire Mitigation Assistance Statewide Clearinghouse Data Center

Our Community Wildfire Mitigation Assistance Statewide (CWMA) Clearinghouse hosts a wide array of documents, research articles, best practices, and other critical resources.


Submit to the Clearinghouse


A depiction of data travelling as blue dots

Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) are collaboratively developed plans that focus on reducing wildfire risk to identified values. The California CWPP Toolkit provides important guidance and resources for CWPP development and implementation.

CWPP Toolkit

Land Use Planning for Wildfires Trainings

Registration is now open! CAL FIRE—Office of the State Fire Marshal’s Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation Division and the Community Wildfire Planning Center are excited to announce additional trainings on “An Introduction to Land Use Planning for Wildfires in California” in February 2025.


Learn More

fire on hillside

CAL FIRE Burn Permit Application

Apply for a burn permit through the CAL FIRE Burn Permit Application.


Burn Permit
CAL FIRE maps significant fire hazard areas, known as Fire Hazard Severity Zones, to assist with wildfire preparedness and determine applicable risk reduction standards.
CAL FIRE's Land Use Planning Program collaborates with CA communities and local government agencies to address the risk of wildfire by providing personalized assistance in updating Safety Elements (General Plans) and the application process to become a recognized NFPA Firewise USA Community.
CAL FIRE's Wildfire Public Education Program, established by Assembly Bill 9, conducts outreach to regional and local wildfire mitigation groups, ensuring compliance and informing stakeholders about relevant laws and regulations.
Wildfires in California can be minimized by using building construction methods that reduce building ignition and maintaining defensible space.
Defensible space and home hardening are crucial for homes to withstand wildfires, providing a buffer between buildings and surrounding vegetation while protecting against embers, flame contact, and radiant heat.

The 2024 Strategic Fire Plan for California focuses on fire prevention, suppression, and natural resource management to reduce wildfire hazards and protect lives, property, and ecosystems.

Assembly Bill 2911 identifies existing subdivisions at significant fire risk and requires recommendations for improving fire safety, especially in areas without secondary egress routes.

CAL FIRE's Utility Wildfire Mitigation Program aims to mitigate wildfires caused by electric utilities, working with energy safety agencies and maintaining resources for power line inspection and prevention.

CAL FIRE's Wildfire Prevention Grants Program funds projects in fire-threatened communities, focusing on protection, hazardous fuel reduction, prevention planning, and education for public health, safety, and emission reduction.